Cloud Server for Your Needs

  • ✔ Ultrafast servers and network
  • ✔ Simple, yet powerful tools
  • ✔ Cloud Infrastructure
  • ✔ Top-rated 24/7 Monitoring

Cloud Server Plans

Cloud Server 1



Discounted from $12.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

1 CPU Core


20 GB NVMe SSD Storage

1 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 2



Discounted from $22.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

1 CPU Core


40 GB NVMe SSD Storage

2 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Best Seller

Cloud Server 3



Discounted from $45.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

2 CPU Cores


100 GB NVMe SSD Storage

3 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 4



Discounted from $65.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

2 CPU Cores


100 GB NVMe SSD Storage

4 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 5



Discounted from $90.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

4 CPU Cores


200 GB NVMe SSD Storage

5 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 6



Discounted from $105.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

4 CPU Cores


200 GB NVMe SSD Storage

6 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 7



Discounted from $150.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

8 CPU Cores



7 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Cloud Server 8



Discounted from $220.00/mo. Excl. VAT

Top feature comparison

8 CPU Cores



8 TB Bandwidth

Weekly Backups

Dedicated IP Address

Full Root Access

Enjoy top-rated Cloud Server support

Our Customer Care team is among the highest-rated support squads online, fast, multi-skilled and helpful.

Available 24/7

Round-the-clock help center

Proficient & Friendly

Always eager to help

Extremely Fast

Quick pickup & resolution

98% Satisfaction

Quick pickup & resolution

Your Problems, Our Solutions.

Fast WordPress Launch

Get WordPress automatically installed on your account together with popular plugins of your choice, thanks to our unique WordPress Starter tool.

Smooth Site & Email Transfer

We provide seamless hosting transfer. Just use our free WordPress and email migration tools or get a professional website transfer done by our experts.

Managed Security & Updates

We save you time and hassle by keeping your WordPress up-to-date. We also patch against common WordPress-related exploits through our server firewall.

Amazing Performance

Speed up your site with our comprehensive WordPress performance solution. It includes the extended version of SiteGround Optimizer plus more!

Tools for Cloud Servers

Free SSL Certificates

All hosting plans include Let’s Encrypt Standard and Wildcard SSL certificates at no extra cost. For your convenience, the Standard SSL comes preinstalled on your site.

Weekly Backups

We back up your account weekly and keep up to copies. You also have the option to create instant on-demand backups with the click of a button.

Email Service

Create unlimited email accounts with the webmail interface included. Stop spam with the free mail service.

Host multiple sites

Create as many sites as you want and host them under one account.

Ultrafast PHP

Custom PHP setup for great TTFB (time to first byte) and overall site speed.

Easy staging tool

Create a copy of your site and test changes before pushing them live.

Ready to get started?

Choose the hosting provider that helps you start easy, build fast, and grow strong! Get your plan with a 30-day money-back guarantee.


Q: What is Linux VPS hosting? A: Linux VPS hosting is a virtual private server solution that runs on the Linux operating system. It provides dedicated resources and greater control compared to shared hosting, making it ideal for websites and applications that require customization and performance.

Q: Which Linux distributions do you offer for VPS hosting? A: We offer a variety of popular Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and more, allowing you to choose the one that suits your preferences and requirements.

Q: What level of control do I have over my Linux VPS? A: With Linux VPS hosting, you have full root access, enabling you to install and configure software, customize settings, and manage your server environment as needed.

Q: What resources are included in your Linux VPS plans? A: Our Linux VPS plans include dedicated CPU cores, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. These resources ensure optimal performance and scalability for your applications.

Q: How do you ensure the security of my Linux VPS? A: We implement various security measures, including regular updates, firewall protection, intrusion detection systems, and optional SSL certificates, to safeguard your Linux VPS and data.

Q: Can I install and run custom software on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can install and run custom software on your Linux VPS, giving you the flexibility to tailor your environment to your specific needs.

Q: What management options do you offer for Linux VPS hosting? A: We provide both self-managed and managed Linux VPS hosting options. With self-managed, you handle most of the technical aspects, while managed hosting includes server management, updates, and troubleshooting.

Q: How do I access and manage my Linux VPS? A: You can access your Linux VPS through SSH (Secure Shell) using terminal or SSH clients. Additionally, you can use a control panel for simplified management tasks.

Q: Can I upgrade my Linux VPS resources as my needs grow? A: Yes, we offer scalable solutions. You can easily upgrade your Linux VPS resources such as RAM, CPU, and storage to accommodate increased traffic and demands.

Q: Do you provide backup options for Linux VPS hosting? A: Yes, we offer backup solutions to protect your data. You can choose regular automated backups or set up your own backup strategy to ensure data integrity.

Q: Is a Linux VPS suitable for hosting websites and applications? A: Yes, a Linux VPS is well-suited for hosting a wide range of websites and applications, including blogs, e-commerce sites, content management systems, and even complex web applications.

Q: What technical support do you provide for Linux VPS customers? A: We offer 24/7 technical support to assist Linux VPS customers with any issues they may encounter. Our support team can help with server setup, configuration, troubleshooting, and more.

Q: Can I manage multiple websites on a single Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can host multiple websites on a single Linux VPS using virtual hosts. This allows you to efficiently manage multiple domains and websites from a single server.

Q: How does resource allocation work in Linux VPS hosting? A: In Linux VPS hosting, resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage are allocated specifically to your virtual server. This ensures that your server’s performance is not affected by the activities of other users.

Q: Are there any limitations on the software I can install on my Linux VPS? A: As long as the software is compatible with the Linux distribution you’ve chosen and doesn’t violate our terms of service, you can install a wide range of software on your Linux VPS to suit your needs.

Q: Can I manage my DNS settings on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you have full control over your DNS settings, allowing you to manage your domain names, subdomains, and DNS records directly from your Linux VPS.

Q: What is the network connectivity like for your Linux VPS hosting? A: Our Linux VPS hosting offers high-speed and reliable network connectivity, ensuring optimal performance and minimal downtime for your websites and applications.

Q: Can I choose the location of my Linux VPS server? A: Yes, we offer multiple server locations for our Linux VPS hosting. You can select the server location that is geographically closer to your target audience for improved latency.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the type of websites I can host on a Linux VPS? A: As long as your content complies with our terms of service and local laws, you can host a wide range of websites, from personal blogs to business websites and more complex applications.

Q: How often are software updates and security patches applied to Linux VPS servers? A: We regularly monitor and apply software updates and security patches to ensure that your Linux VPS remains secure and up to date with the latest features and improvements.

Q: Can I manage my firewall settings on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can configure and manage firewall settings on your Linux VPS to enhance security. This allows you to control incoming and outgoing traffic based on your requirements.

Q: How do I monitor the performance of my Linux VPS? A: We provide monitoring tools that allow you to track resource usage, server performance, and other metrics. Additionally, you can install third-party monitoring solutions for more detailed insights.

Q: Can I set up email services on my Linux VPS? A: Absolutely, you can configure and manage email services on your Linux VPS using applications like Postfix or Exim. This enables you to host your own email accounts and domains.

Q: What happens if I outgrow my current Linux VPS plan? A: If your needs evolve and you require more resources or capabilities, you can easily upgrade to a higher-tier Linux VPS plan to accommodate your growing demands.

Q: Do you offer a money-back guarantee for your Linux VPS hosting? A: Yes, we offer a money-back guarantee within a specified period. If you’re not satisfied with our services, you can request a refund as per our refund policy.

Q: Can I install a control panel on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you have the option to install a control panel such as cPanel, Plesk, or Webmin to simplify server management tasks and website administration.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of websites I can host on my Linux VPS? A: The number of websites you can host on your Linux VPS depends on the resources allocated to your plan. You can host multiple websites as long as the resources support their needs.

Q: Can I customize my server environment on a Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can fully customize your Linux VPS environment, including software installations, configurations, and settings, to meet the specific requirements of your websites or applications.

Q: What backup options are available for Linux VPS hosting? A: We offer various backup solutions, including automated daily backups, allowing you to restore your data in case of accidental loss or server issues.

Q: Can I transfer my existing website to a Linux VPS from another hosting provider? A: Yes, we provide assistance in transferring your website from another host to our Linux VPS platform. Our support team can guide you through the migration process.

Q: Can I use my Linux VPS for hosting game servers or other resource-intensive applications? A: Yes, you can use your Linux VPS to host game servers, applications, and other resource-intensive tasks that require dedicated resources and performance.

Q: Do you offer managed security services for Linux VPS hosting? A: Yes, we offer managed security services that include regular security audits, updates, and proactive monitoring to ensure your Linux VPS remains secure against potential threats.

Q: What is the process for scaling up my Linux VPS resources? A: Scaling up your Linux VPS resources involves upgrading your plan to include more CPU, RAM, or storage. Our support team can assist you in seamlessly upgrading your resources.

Q: Are there any restrictions on server software I can install on my Linux VPS? A: You can install a wide range of server software on your Linux VPS as long as it’s compatible with the operating system and adheres to our terms of service.

Q: Can I set up automated tasks or cron jobs on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can create and manage automated tasks or cron jobs on your Linux VPS to perform routine actions like backups, updates, and other scheduled processes.

Q: Can I install an SSL certificate on my Linux VPS for secure connections? A: Yes, you can install an SSL certificate to enable secure connections (HTTPS) for your websites and applications hosted on your Linux VPS, ensuring data encryption and user trust.

Q: How do I manage software updates and patches on my Linux VPS? A: You have the flexibility to manage software updates manually or configure automated updates. Regular updates help keep your Linux VPS secure and up to date.

Q: Are there any limitations on the amount of traffic my Linux VPS can handle? A: The traffic capacity of your Linux VPS depends on the plan you choose. We offer a range of plans with varying levels of resources to accommodate different levels of traffic.

Q: What level of technical expertise is required for managing a Linux VPS? A: Basic knowledge of Linux and server administration is helpful, but even if you’re not an expert, you can opt for managed services where we handle server maintenance and technical tasks.

Q: Can I reinstall the operating system on my Linux VPS if needed? A: Yes, you can reinstall the operating system on your Linux VPS if necessary. This can be done through the control panel or by contacting our support team for assistance.

Q: Can I access my Linux VPS using a graphical interface? A: Yes, you can set up a graphical user interface (GUI) on your Linux VPS using tools like VNC or Xfce, providing a visual way to interact with your server.

Q: What happens if there’s a hardware failure on my Linux VPS server? A: In the event of a hardware failure, we have redundant systems in place to ensure minimal downtime. We promptly replace faulty hardware to restore normal operations.

Q: Can I configure custom firewall rules to enhance security on my Linux VPS? A: Absolutely, you can configure custom firewall rules using tools like iptables or firewalld to fine-tune security settings and restrict access based on your requirements.

Q: Do you offer IPv6 support for Linux VPS hosting? A: Yes, we offer IPv6 support alongside IPv4 to ensure your Linux VPS is compatible with the latest networking standards.

Q: How do I manage and allocate IP addresses on my Linux VPS? A: You can manage and allocate IP addresses through your control panel. You can assign static IP addresses, manage DNS records, and handle networking configurations.

Q: Can I install and run databases on my Linux VPS? A: Yes, you can install and run databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB on your Linux VPS to support dynamic and data-driven applications.

Q: How do you handle server backups for Linux VPS hosting? A: We offer automated backup solutions that capture your data at regular intervals. You can also configure additional backups or download backups manually.

Q: Is there a trial period available for testing your Linux VPS hosting? A: We don’t offer trial periods, but we have a money-back guarantee that allows you to try our services risk-free within a specified time frame.

Q: Can I use my Linux VPS for development and testing purposes? A: Absolutely, a Linux VPS is a great environment for development and testing. You can create a staging environment to test changes before applying them to your live site.

Q: How does billing work for your Linux VPS hosting plans? A: Our Linux VPS plans are billed on a monthly or yearly basis, depending on your preference. You can choose the plan that suits your needs and select the billing cycle accordingly.